AltGen Recruitment & Consulting is pleased to announce the official opening of its Nairobi office. Situated in Blixen Court, in the suburb of Karen, the office is conveniently traffic free! A major boon when living in a city that is growing so rapidly that it seems as if all roads are constantly under construction.
AltGen Kenya offers the full suite of services, including consulting into the renewable energy environment specifically into the mini-grid space in cooperation with our major client, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), a financial institution and the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries.
On the recruitment side, AltGen Kenya has also recently closed off on the staffing program with Vestas Eastern Africa on the sourcing and on-boarding of the Lake Turkhana Wind Farm O&M team, and look forward to further engagements with various teams of wind and solar PV developers and EPC’s in the East African theatre. To this end we welcome on board some new staff members, including Rita Laibuta and Caroline Sawe.